Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team

Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team

Kikuko Inoue (Aina Sakhalin), Nobuyuki Hiyama (Shiro Amada), Chinami Nishimura (Kiki Rosita), Hiro Yuuki (Michel Ninorinch), Ichirô Nagai (Gidan Nickerd), Keiji Fujiwara (Eledore Mathiss), Mami Koyama (Karen Joshua), Osamu Ichikawa (Norris Packard), Sho Hayami (Gineas Sakhalin)

Liste non exhaustive de produits dérivés de l'anime :

  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #1
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #2
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #3
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #4
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #5
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #6
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #7
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - The 08th MS Team  - Screenshot #8

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