Auteur Sujet: What Type Of Anime Character Are You?  (Lu 30681 fois)

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Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #90 le: 01 Août 2006, 12:15:11 »

You're An Inu (Dog)!
Loyal and protective. A true friend all the way. You love having yours ears scratched, and being near your loved ones.



Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #91 le: 06 Août 2006, 21:03:21 »

You're A Hentai Baka (Stupid Pervert)!
You watch a lot of porn, and can be found hiding in the tool shed, peeking through a hole, into the girl's locker room. You get smacked a lot, don't you?...


Its So True!(C'est Si Vrai!)  :wacko:

All Except The Tool Shed And Peeping Tom Thing Of Course...
« Modifié: 15 Septembre 2006, 09:34:31 par HEAVYMETAL. »
If You Will Show No Will To Fight, Then I Will Just Have To Destroy The Planet!

Marching Forward Hypocritic And Hypnotic Computers! YOU Depend On OUR Protection! Yet You Feed Us Lies From The Table Cloth!


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #92 le: 19 Avril 2007, 18:15:43 »

You're A Neko (Cat)!
Meow! You love acting like a cat, because you ARE part cat! How did this come to be? I have no idea! But yay for you! You're playful and happy. You love being spoiled and pampered, but you have a vicious side too.

«Aenyn - One name. One legend.»


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #93 le: 19 Avril 2007, 18:58:11 »

You're A Hero!
You live to save the world! You are honest, true, and always victorious! You may not always get the girls/boys, but all you really want to do is battle the bad guys.

Je savais que j'étais comme ça mais c'est cool, c'est la classe!!! En fait si je savais que j'étais comme ça...
« Modifié: 19 Avril 2007, 19:02:00 par BlakeShade »

"Ton sang est mon encre, ta chair est ma vie, mon plaisir est ton frisson"


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #94 le: 20 Avril 2007, 00:18:55 »
Oh, j'suis un chat ! Ca m'étonne pas, tiens...
Etrangement, en le repassant, je suis un idiot pervers.
Rita Skeeter better shut her mouth before she gets in troubles...
(And Voldemort can't stop the rock.)


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #95 le: 20 Avril 2007, 10:30:35 »

You're A Villian!
You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you. Your destiny is world destruction/domination. Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of your way.

L'alcool tue lentement, tant mieux, je ne suis pas pressé...


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #96 le: 27 Avril 2007, 18:19:37 »
You're A Villian!
You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you. Your destiny is world destruction/domination. Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of your way.

Mouhaha ze suis un vilain démon caché  :wacko:


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #97 le: 02 Mai 2009, 17:22:33 »
Not as bad as you think. You get to do plenty of heroic deeds... but no one ever writes your name in the books, why is that? But it also means that you don't have so crazy nut-job villan after your tail all the time... rather you might have a tail of your own. Maybe your like donkey from Shrek... humorous and charming, you have to work for your own spotlight there sidekick, and you may just get the "girl" dragon or the prince's younger cute brother.
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are..."


Re : What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
« Réponse #98 le: 02 Mai 2009, 17:46:09 »
Rah, Allbrice déterre tous les topics que l'on espérait voir toucher le fond du lac.  :P