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Je voulais savoir si vous voyez des fautes quelconques au niveau de la structure des phrases dans ce texte :
Kino is a very poor fisherman. He wants to feed his family, and every day is difficult.
One day, his son who is weak is stung by a scorpion, and he could die. Kino becomes mad, he didn’t have enough money to pay for a doctor. So he begs the doctor to the nearest town, but there is a problem: this doctor hates Indians. Kino is furious. However, there is a solution: the doctor loves pearls, so Kino could catch a pearl for him.
Kino is persistent and eventually found a pearl. The pearl is huge, and Kino thinks he’s about to become rich. Unfortunately, Kino's joy is short-lived. No dealer wants to buy his pearl and lot of poor people want to seize his pearl.
Because of this pearl, Kino's life will become a hell…