Drakengard: I am new here as well, and English is my first language. I know some French, and I am currently learning in school. It's fun. I try to study a lot on the side, because I really like the language, but I haven't even had the class for a year. Which would explain away any errors that one may find in my writing. The translator, although not 100% accurate, can be very helpful, but sometimes you will have to check what to you want to translate in a few different ones, but if you like this place and/or French, then it is well worth it, methinks. :3
(I'm kind of proud of myself, because usually I can catch the gist of what people are saying without help xD Like, zomg.)
Pharoah: Étrangers ? Aïe, ce maux. Il serait gentil si chacun pourrait parler une langue et se comprendre, mais ce n'est pas le cas. Les traducteurs sont votre ami.
(pardonnez-moi, je pourrais employer des expressions anglaises et essayer de les traduire au Français, ainsi mes excuses s'il semble étrange. Je suis stupide, désolé... x3)