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Messages - Miruslav

Pages: [1]
Général Blabla / [English] Hello from Ekaterinbug (Russia)
« le: 02 Juin 2005, 18:50:09 »
thx4cngrtltns  :P
many thx 2 webmaster of this source. he made many very intresting gifs. and on forum, where I "live" his avatars super popular.  :rolleyes:
but... how I can to connect with him. How talks in Russia "Has no limit to perfection". If he can to include most interesting gifs in collection of this source - it will be perfect  B)
I would like to know your opinion about this.

p.s. sory 4 my school-level english.  [-blush]  

Général Blabla / [English] Hello from Ekaterinbug (Russia)
« le: 02 Juin 2005, 12:49:33 »
Witch Hunter Robin.RAR (417 Kb)
9 anime gifs.
"*a.gif" - variant with change in gradient map of image.

Général Blabla / [English] Hello from Ekaterinbug (Russia)
« le: 02 Juin 2005, 12:22:13 »
thx for fast reply ^^
now I will post my works on another public resourse and give link here

Sadly, submitted gifs aren't accepted on the website (only wallpapers and fanarts) but you can of course link them here
and what about this?  :unsure:
I think, that my gifs can be included in this collection, if it possible :)

Général Blabla / [English] Hello from Ekaterinbug (Russia)
« le: 02 Juin 2005, 09:13:33 »
Hi all. Sorry, but I don`t speak French.
This resource I always use to take some anime gifs. Many thanks to authors from our otaku =)

Now I make some anime gifs. And want than other people can take it from your resource. Where I must e-mail my works?

for example anime gif, created by me from "Witch Hunter Robin"

Pages: [1]