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Messages - maochan

Pages: [1]
Général Blabla / [English]hello!! im a newbie here!
« le: 01 Juillet 2005, 09:16:26 »
wow thank you for all of your replies!!! arigatou minna-san!!! just like what i thought the people here are very nice!  :lol:

btw,,, i'm also a cosplayer here in our country... umm where can i create another topic regarding to our coslay pictures? hehe i just wanna share it to you guys!!

and oh! can i ask something? hu is she? sasuke she's so cute!!!! i wanna meet her! is she also a member of this forum? wahhhh i'm her no. 1 fan now!!!!hehe :D

here's some of the pics of my friends ^__^

suikoden group
dynasty warriorsi'm th girl in pink dress ^_^
i'm the one hus sleeping ^_^
dynasty warriors 4

Général Blabla / [English]hello!! im a newbie here!
« le: 28 Juin 2005, 09:38:44 »
konnichiwa minna-san!!! i'm new here and i really don't understand your language...im half japanese and filipino..do anyone of you guys know how to speak english..pls help me here if i got the wrong thread/topic,,onegai shimasu!!! actually i like here even though i don't understand ur languange.'cause there are so many nice pics and the gifs!!! hehe :P so could you pls help me? ^__^;;

arigatou minna-san!!!!

Pages: [1]