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Messages - kazeminarocloud

Pages: [1]
Général Blabla / im new
« le: 22 Mai 2006, 15:33:58 »
oh i c well i know where most of the buttons are from the english forums but ill just stay in the art galleries for now unless someone pm's me in english i am forever bannished to that area.......

Général Blabla / im new
« le: 20 Mai 2006, 21:11:59 »
yeah but still what language is this forum in? is there a way for my computer to translate it?

Général Blabla / im new
« le: 19 Mai 2006, 18:54:57 »
this forum seems to be in a language unknown to me but it has some really cool avatars if there is anyone that could help me it would be appreachiated

Pages: [1]