Bon en parlant Nasuverse, on pense tout de suite aux Servants, n'est-ce pas?
Et bien, directement chût dans mon esprit pendant mon taff, voici une nouvelle fiche de Servant
(A ce sujet, Zanzou, tu nous avais pas promis quelque chose il y a quelques mois?)Voici :
TraineeMaster : M. le responsable de la production
True Name : Esclave n°127425
Height/weight : 1m85/60kg
Sex : Male
Alignment : Lawful good.
Strenght : E Prana : D
Endurance : B Luck : E-
Agility : D NP : EX
Class SkillsRiding : E-Ability to ride things.
Can only ride bicycles or take the bus.
Obedience : AThe holder of this skill cannot drain prana from their master. They have to find another way to remain in this world.
However, each word spoken by their master as the same effect as if it was bound by a Command Seal.
Personnal SkillsBattle Continuation : BDoes not give up easily
The ability that allows the user to complete their task even on the verge of death, until they take a clearly fatal blow.
Folding (True) : A+The ability to fold papers in two at godlike speed.
Such a skill can only be attained by spending a lifetime training, abjuring completely one's soul.
Noble PhantasmCoffee - Divine essence of bravery :
Rank : EXA dark liquor that strenghens the skill Battle Continuation to rank A, allowing its user to accomplish even more labor under even greater strains.
Coffee-redbull - Hellish cocktail of fury :
Rank : EXA beverage that the Devil himself dreads. Its effect is so strong that its user can achieve temporary immortality and trampel anything opposing them.
Notice that the wounds taken under its effect aren't nullified, their effect is just delayed (and amplified).