The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Shinomori Shotarô)

- Auteur : Ishinomori Shôtarô
- Année : 1992
- Titre original : Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (Shinomori Shotarô)
- Nombre de volumes : 1
- Origine : Japon
- AKA :
- ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース
- Auteur : Ishinomori Shôtarô
- Licencié : oui
- Titre français : The legend of Zelda - A link to the past
- Editeur: Soleil Manga
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Cagiva) (Manga - 1992)
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening (Manga - 1994)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (Manga - 2000)
The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (Manga - 2001)
The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Ages (Manga - 2001)
Zelda Oracles Of seasons & Ages (Perfect Edition) (Manga - 2001)
The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons (Manga - 2002)
The Legend of Zelda - Four Swords Adventures (Manga - 2004)
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Himekawa) (Manga - 2005)
The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap (Manga - 2006)
The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass (Manga - 2009)
The Legend Of Zelda - Twilight Princess (Manga - 2016)
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