The Wings of Rean

The Wings of Rean

Wings of Rean est une histoire alternative à l'oeuvre Aura Battler Dunbine (Seisenshi Dunbine) de Yoshiyuki Tomino. Le projet sera diffusé sur internet exclusivement. L'ensemble est imbriqué dans un plus vaste ensemble, "Gundam Ace".

Fukuyama Jun (Aesap Suzuki), Shimamura Yuu (Lyukus Sakomizu), Nakano Yutaka (Amahlgan Rudol), Hayashi Marika (Codour Sakomizu), Horie Yui (Elebos), Kaida Yuuko (Jacoba Aon), Tanabe Shingo (Kanamoto Heiji), Koyama Rikiya (Sakomizu Shinjirou), Tsuchida Hiroshi (Yahan Rouri)

  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #1
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #2
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #3
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #4
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #5
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #6
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #7
  • The Wings of Rean - Screenshot #8

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