[img src="http://orangeday.net/kakashi/quiz/3529/hinata.gif" width="250" height="150"]
[font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"][a href="http://orangeday.net/kakashi/quiz/" target="_blank"]Which Naruto Character are You?[/a]
quiz by [a href="http://orangeday.net"]orangeday.net[/a][/font]Deux fois que j'essaye, pas loupé: Hinata forever!!!
(Encore heureux que le perso est géniale!!! ^ ^)
[img src="http://bakadesu.com/nancie/quiz/287chopper.gif" width="250" height="150"]
[font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"][a href="http://gomu-gomu.net/quiz/" target="_blank"]Which One Piece Character are You?[/a]
quiz by [a href="http://orangeday.net"]orangeday.net[/a][/font] :blink: :blink: Qu'est ce que c'est que ce bordel?!!! Non sérieusement, j'ai rien contre Chopper, au contraire même j'apprécie beaucoup le personnage mais franchement... Est ce que j'ai la gueule d'un rêne anthropoïde???? :'(
[img src="http://images.quizilla.com/D/DeadcupiD/1046778196_folder0001.jpg" border="0" alt="Yoh Asakura"]
You are Yoh Asakura. You love to sleep and
listening to the music. Your ideal phrase is
"it'll be all right". You are lazy,
friendly, but sometimes like to tease people.
As you grow older, your dark side become deep.
No one can understand your thoughts, not until
they get closer to you. Eventhough you're very
open, you're still the member of mysterious
Asakura family. Luckily, you're still that idle
and kind kid. Just try to stay the same.
[a href="http://quizilla.com/users/DeadcupiD/quizzes/Which%20Shaman%20King%20character%20are%20you%3F%20(result%20contains%20image%5E____%5E)/"] [font size="-1"]Which Shaman King character are you? (result contains image^____^)[/font][/a]
[font size="-3"]brought to you by [a href="http://quizilla.com"]Quizilla[/a][/font]
Heu???... Et puis d'abord j'aime pas Bob Marley!!!! ^ ^