Ahh ! A moi ça faisait longtemps !
Bon allez... Harry Potter. Hmmm...
[a href="http://paradox.of.arden.tripod.com/quiz/curse/index.html" target="new"]
[img src="http://fuzzy.snakeden.org/images/dobby.jpg" border=0][/a]
[a href="http://paradox.of.arden.tripod.com/quiz/curse/index.html" target="new"]Which HP Character would curse you?[/a]
this quiz was made by [a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/mamaslyth"]Mysti[/a]'s daughter
C'est quoi ce machin lol ? Un pant de terre ?
[A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame.pl"][IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame/8.png" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Scorched Earth Tank." /][/A]I am
a Scorched Earth Tank.
When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself. [A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame.pl"]What Video Game Character Are You?[/A]
Et dans ce film (que je n'ai jamais vu d'ailleurs lol) je suis lui :
[img src="http://lucid.lunacy.nu/quiz/captainbarbossa.gif"]
[a href="http://lucid.lunacy.nu/quiz/pirates.html"]Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?[/a]
Déduction : ça doit être un méchant !

[TABLE width="50%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"]
[TR][TD align="center"]
[font size="1" face="Arial"]
[TD align="center"][img src="http://www.thenoodlebowl.com/oav/quiz1/evil.jpg"][/TD]
[TR][TD align="center"][font size="2" face="Arial"]You're a
[TR][TD align="center"][font size="1" face="Arial"]
...though you prefer to think of yourself as misunderstood. You know the world would be a better place if they'd only let you be in charge of it, and if they don't appreciate your genius by themselves you're willing to make them. You've got good hair, a secret base and an ambivalent relationship with the bishounen hero. You've got the money, the women, the best mecha and your own private army, but you
still lose in the end to some jumped-up kid with spiky hair. There is no justice.
[a href="http://www.thenoodlebowl.com/oav/quiz1.html"]
Which generic anime character are you?[/a]
Hahahaha ! Oui, c'est tout moi ça

Et dans Lord of the Ring, je pensais être Legolas. Ehh non ! Je suis ce très cher monsieur que je n'ai jamais vu de ma vie ! Tant pis lol ! Ca m'apprendra à pas regarder le 2 et le 3 dans LOTR !
[img src="http://www.lordoftherings.net/images/ca_jnobl.jpg" alt="Denethor"] | [p]Denethor[/p][p]If I were a character in [A HREF="http://lordoftherings.net/" TARGET="_"]The Lord of the Rings[/A], I would be Denethor, Man of Gondor, Ruling Steward of proud Gondor and father of Boromir and Faramir.[/p][p]In the movie, I am played by [A HREF="http://www.lordoftherings.net/film/cast/ca_jnobl.html" TARGET="_"]John Noble[/A].[/p][p]Who would you be? [A HREF="http://www.zovakware.com/tests/lordoftherings.htm"][small]Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test[/small][/A] [small][small]with [A href="http://www.perseus.com/softwareprod/download.html"]Perseus Web Survey Software[/a][/small][/small][/p] |