Eh! Vous savez quoi.. Une jeune fille agé de 14 and qui vient des États-unit Va aller se faire opérer et elle risque d'en mourir...

Voila un message quelle ma envoyer dans gaia.. Si vous ne comprener pas l'anglais.. Dot moi juste et je vous le traduira
Poofyspikes: I just wanted to let you know that I don't plan on coming to furcadia every again unless I absolutely have to. and I am having surgery tuesday, might die from it, oh well, but I don;t think I will, what a shame. Just letting you know I won;t be online for around a week and never again on furcaida, just incase you actually cared.
Kaguna: Yes i do care i just got bored in furcadia and stop for a while that all, why are you going on surgery ? And how come you could die from it ?
Poofyspikes: well, I have to go to sleep right now, but I am having surgery on about eight things and I might die because it is very close to my brain, I could die, go blind, lose my memory, exc. but whatever.
Night Kag.
En si peu de mot, jespere que sont opéation va bien y aller