Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 2
- Compositeur : Senju Akira
- Artistes impliqués : Sukima Switch, Lil'B, Scandal
Tracklist :
- 01.
- Golden Time Lover (Anime Version)
- 02.
- Mount Briggs (Ouverture)
- 03.
- Pride
- 04.
- Envy Revealed
- 05.
- The Plot Thickens
- 06.
- Xing Symphony (Ouverture)
- 07.
- Anticipation
- 08.
- Nightmares
- 09.
- Desolation
- 10.
- The Fullmetal Alchemist (Legato)
- 11.
- Nocturne of Amestris (Duet)
- 12.
- Daylight in Amestris
- 13.
- Nocturne of Amestris
- 14.
- Tsunaida te (Anime Version)
- 15.
- T.B.C.
- 16.
- Entr'acte
- 17.
- Period (Anime version)
- 18.
- No Answer
- 19.
- Crisis in the North
- 20.
- The Land of Ishvala
- 21.
- Lapis Philosophorum (Piano Solo)
- 22.
- Mount Briggs (Undulation)
- 23.
- What Lies Beneath
- 24.
- Versus Homunculus
- 25.
- Battle Scherzo
- 26.
- Far East Suite (Pizzicato)
- 27.
- Pastorale Rondo
- 28.
- Stepping Along
- 29.
- Shunkan Sentimental (Anime Version)
- 30.
- To Be King
- 31.
- Brotherhood (Postlude)
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